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Meetings and Conferences

Meetings and Conferences

Biological Literature

Tour for Diversity


Tour for Diversity had many speakers. All of the speakers were African American doctors. They shared their stories and some tips on becoming a doctor. They provided us with food, a couple of schools to apply to and how to apply. They also went through practice questions from MCAT and other activities that inspired me.


E-Portfolio Seminar


I have attended two E-Portfolio seminars. The first one was by a student and the second one was by the librarian specialist for the biology department.  The student presentation gave me some insight on what my e-portfolio needs to have and what to look for in my computer from previous classes. The one by the librarian specialist showed me different ways to input word documents and PDF files into the e-portfolio.


WISP Meeting


 The women in science meeting speaker was the president of the program and we discussed  doing good for the community. We also donated money to a walk that they were having that Saturday.  We discussed and made plans for the trunk-a-treat and the WISP program visit to Atkins High School.


Scholarship Day


I went to two different scholarship day presentations. The first one I was presenting and discussed my findings on turmeric and microbes. On my second visit I went to the same program and supported and listened to my friends while they explained their presentations and research that they had to do for I& R.


Cancer Research Summer Internship


This presentation was by Dr. Dance and her partner. They discussed their research and some outcomes of their research. They also discussed the pay, duration and requirements for the program.  They also encouraged all types of students to apply to the program and that the applicant’s major did not have to be biology or science related.

Meetings and Conferences

Meeting and Conferences
Bio. Literature

Biological Literature

 In scientific writing I created some literature reviews. Unfortunately, they did not meet the requirements for length for this project. However, I did choose some articles that seem very interesting pertaining to development and cancer biology. Below are the links to the journal articles and there is a word document that has my written work for the literature reviews.

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